Flexible Development Environment Using Docker

Flexible Development Environment Using Docker

Published on April 22, 2024

For us software developers, especially in enterprise setup, it’s crucial to create a dedicated development environment to manage multiple projects with different dependencies as easy and efficient as possible.

In this post, I want to share how I setup my development environment from scratch, and in every Operating System I use.

Operating System

Everything starts on which Operating System are we using. In my opinion, Ubuntu is the best operating system for software development. But since I also do gaming, my personal machine uses Windows, and I just use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) for my development projects.

Basic Ubuntu Packages

Now that we have an OS to work with, let’s just install some basic packages we need in development.

Open up your terminal and update our package manager.

Terminal window
# Make sure to get the latest APT packages available
sudo apt update;
# Upgrade all installed packages in your system
sudo apt upgrade -y;

Then install our packages.

Terminal window
sudo apt install -y git zsh curl wget unzip make

What did we install?

  • git: For version control and managing repositories.
  • zsh: I prefer zsh over Ubuntu’s default bash shell.
  • curl and wget: For fetching remote files/endpoints. Most libraries out there uses them for installation.
  • unzip: For extracting zip files.
  • make: Some libraries uses make for installation. We can also use it to simplify workflow by creating a Makefile for some projects.


Default Login Shell

Since we’ve installed zsh, let’s use it for our login shell.

Terminal window
chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh

This command will change the default shell from /usr/bin/bash to /usr/bin/zsh. It will ask for your password so just type it there.

After changing the login shell, restart your terminal completely to apply the changes.


I’ve recently discovered this terminal emulator on the internet, and it looks very good. Warp is a terminal application that has a lot of features that makes our life way easier. It has a smart autocompletion, IDE-like keybindings, very intuitive and customizable UI, heck, it even has integration with AI if you want to ask something about commands or anything. Its latest major release includes Linux support, though Windows support is still in development (there is a workaround where you can run Warp in WSL, though it’s not officially stable: Link Here).


  1. Go to the Warp website.
  2. Download the .deb file.
  3. Copy the filename of the downloaded file (including .deb).
  4. Open up your terminal and install the app using apt:
Terminal window
sudo apt install -y ~/Downloads/<filename>.deb

After successful installation and sign up, you can now configure your Warp depending on what works the best for you. But for me, here are some settings I have that want to share:

  • Features > Editor
    • Open completions menu as you type = true
    • Expand aliases as you type = true
    • Show input hint text = true
    • Tab key behaviour = Accept Autosuggestion
      • I like to use tab to accept autocomplete, and Warp now assigns ctrl + space to open completion menu. Which is like using Copilot in VSCode. I like that.


Next, we can install tools we need for development projects. Tools like Node.js, Bun, PHP, Rust or any other command line tools you may need for specific projects. You can just search the internet on how to install such tools in your OS. I’m gonna leave that task to you!

Code Editor / IDE

I don’t wanna make a debate on what Code Editor or IDE is the best, let’s just use the most accessible and easier to use, Microsoft VSCode. Since we’re on Ubuntu, we have a lot of ways to install VSCode on our machine, either using snap, flatpak, etc. But for this one, I think we should just directly download the .deb package from the VSCode website itself.

  1. Open your browser and go to the VSCode website.
  2. Download the .deb file.
  3. Copy the filename of the downloaded file (including .deb).
  4. Open up your terminal and install the app using apt:
Terminal window
sudo apt install -y ~/Downloads/<filename.deb>


I know, I know. At first, Docker is very overwhelming to use. But just bear with me, because I’m gonna walk you through all commands you need to know and how to use Docker on your projects. It’s also a great skillset to have as a software developer.

Why Docker?

There are a lot of blog posts and YouTube videos on why and how Docker solves a lot of common problems in software development. But in my opinion, the main reason I like to use Docker is that I can just easily run all my projects at the same time without interrupting my host machine, especially if my projects have different dependencies. For example, I have these projects:

  • a backend written in Node.js v21 with MySQL 5.7,
  • an API written in PHP 8.1,
  • a React app running in Node.js v18,
  • a Laravel app running in PHP 8.3 with MySQL 8.0, with a frontend running in Node.js v20.

You can easily notice the differences in PHP and Node.js versions for every project. If I just install every dependencies in my host machine, man, it’s a pain-in-the-ass managing different versions, and most of the time it will have a conflict on something like ports. Docker makes it easy to isolate projects with their corresponding dependencies ready to spin up everytime.

Let’s start with installing Docker Engine.

Terminal window
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sudo sh get-docker.sh

After the commands succeed, you can sanity-check if Docker is really installed.

Terminal window
# Check docker version
docker version
# Check docker compose version
docker compose version

If both commands doesn’t have any errors, congratulations! You just installed Docker! But there’s one more crucial step we need to do so we can use Docker even without root privileges (without prefixing docker commands with sudo).

Terminal window
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

After restarting our system, we should be able to use Docker without root privileges. Let’s test it out!

Terminal window
docker run hello-world

This command will pull the hello-world image from Docker Hub and try to run it. This should have an output of something like:

Terminal window
Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.
To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:
1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon.
2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub.
3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the
executable that produces the output you are currently reading.
4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it
to your terminal.
To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with:
$ docker run -it ubuntu bash
Share images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker ID:
For more examples and ideas, visit:

Nice! We now have Docker working in our system. Onto the next step!

Global Docker Services

Now, installing Docker won’t instantly spin up services we need for our development environment, it’s just a tool for us to easily run multiple services using compose.yaml files. So we need to have a global compose file to have services we’ll use on every project we have.

What global services do we need?

Well, in my dev environment setup, I like to have these services globally:


An easy-to-use reverse proxy for our services. I like to have one especially if I have to manage different projects and give it a unique domain I can use to access the app. I don’t even need to think of a unique port to expose for each project (It’s tiring bruh).


This is actually optional. You can use whatever database client you’re most used to. But DbGate is just the best I’ve tried so far. It’s free, fully-featured, supports all types of databases (SQL, NoSQL), and the best part, we don’t even need to install it as a standalone application in our system! It has an official Docker Image that we can use to run the service locally on the web.

Let’s install them all!

Before we create our global services configuration, let’s first create a user-defined Docker network which we will use on all our services, so that all of them will connect on a single network:

Terminal window
# replace `mynetwork` with the network name you want
docker network create mynetwork

Then, create a compose.yaml file on our home directory and open it up in VSCode:

code compose.yaml

Create the traefik service:

image: traefik:v2.11
container_name: traefik
# Enables the web UI and tells Traefik to listen to docker
- '--api.insecure=true'
- '--providers.docker=true'
# We will expose port 80 to our host machine to intercept requests
# from that port and forward it to traefik
- '80:80'
# The Traefik Web UI (enabled by --api.insecure=true)
- '8080:8080'
# So that Traefik can listen to the Docker events
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
# Optional: To assign a custom domain `traefik.localhost`
# to the Traefik Web UI
- traefik.docker.network=mynetwork
- traefik.http.services.traefik.loadbalancer.server.port=8080
- traefik.http.routers.traefik.rule=Host(`traefik.localhost`)
- mynetwork

Wow. This is kinda overwhelming to understand but basically, it just pulls the official Traefik v2.11 image from Docker Hub and we configure it how we want. After this configuration, you don’t even need to touch this unless you want to customize more. You can just refer to their Documentation to learn more.

Now for our dbgate service:

image: dbgate/dbgate:latest
container_name: dbgate
# This will wait until the traefik service is up and running before starting dbgate
- traefik
# This will expose port 3000 of the container, which DbGate uses,
# but Docker will randomly choose an available port on our machine
# to assign (so we won't have to)
- '3000'
# This will persist your DbGate configuration on container restart
- dbgate_data:/root/.dbgate
# Assign a custom domain to the service
- traefik.docker.network=mynetwork
- traefik.http.services.dbgate.loadbalancer.server.port=3000
- traefik.http.routers.dbgate.rule=Host(`dbgate.localhost`)
- mynetwork

As you may notice, we declare a volume on the dbgate service, so we need to include a top-level volumes configuration for that:

driver: local

We also need to define the Docker network we used on our services:

external: true

And.. that’s it! Here’s our full compose.yaml

image: traefik:v2.11
container_name: traefik
# Enables the web UI and tells Traefik to listen to docker
- '--api.insecure=true'
- '--providers.docker=true'
# We will expose port 80 to our host machine to intercept requests
# from that port and forward it to traefik
- '80:80'
# The Traefik Web UI (enabled by --api.insecure=true)
- '8080:8080'
# So that Traefik can listen to the Docker events
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
# Optional: To assign a custom domain `traefik.localhost`
# to the Traefik Web UI
- traefik.docker.network=mynetwork
- traefik.http.services.traefik.loadbalancer.server.port=8080
- traefik.http.routers.traefik.rule=Host(`traefik.localhost`)
- mynetwork
image: dbgate/dbgate:latest
container_name: dbgate
# This will wait until the traefik service is up and running before starting dbgate
- traefik
# This will expose port 3000 of the container, which DbGate uses,
# but Docker will randomly choose an available port on our machine
# to assign (so we won't have to)
- '3000'
# This will persist your DbGate configuration on container restart
- dbgate_data:/root/.dbgate
# Assign a custom domain to the service
- traefik.docker.network=mynetwork
- traefik.http.services.dbgate.loadbalancer.server.port=3000
- traefik.http.routers.dbgate.rule=Host(`dbgate.localhost`)
- mynetwork
driver: local
external: true

Time to run the services

Alrighty! Let’s spin ‘em all up!

docker compose up -d

What does this command do?

  • docker: communicate with the Docker Engine
  • compose: use the Compose plugin by Docker
  • up: run the services declared on the compose.yaml file
  • -d: run in detached mode (in the background)

It should take a while to pull and build the containers. Probably around 5-10 minutes, depending on your computer and internet speed. Once the build is complete, you should see a success message like this:

Terminal window
Container dbgate Started
Container traefik Started

You should be able to access the services using their custom domains!


That’s basically it. Now you have a flexible dev environment setup using Docker! To test things out, check out my other posts to setup different frameworks using this setup. Happy coding!